West Side Story has been one of those classic musicals that has been around for some time. Since the 1961 movie came out when my parents were still young, it is a story they have held close and exposed me to as a child. Watching this musical brought to now brought both nostalgic feelings and feelings of a fresh feel that is very “now.”
Premise of West Side Story
The story of West Side Story is the classic star crossed lovers story. But it is set in a an area of New York City where two rival gangs, The Jets, the Puerto Ricans, and The Sharks, the New Yorkers, are at odds with each other. That is until the dance where Tony, from the Sharks, and Maria, the sister of the leader of the Jets, meet and fall in love at first sight.
Their love has created some tension between the gangs and they decide to rumble. And that is where it all goes south resulting in deaths and huge devastation on each side. Although the New York City police, including Officer Krupke, are involved, these rival gangs are determined to kill the other one off.
The Now
Although the movie takes place in the 1940s like in the original movie and screenplay, they address some more modern issues that I do not remember from the original. Such as introducing a transgender character who wants to be part of The Sharks. There is also much more Spanish in the new version, that I do not see going well with an English speaking audience in the 1960s. Although these are the two things that are very clear, my assumption is that there are much more subtleties that bring this movie into today.
The Music
Just like Little Shop of Horrors, the music of West Side Story is really what has stuck with me over the years. Although I had never seen this version of the movie before, I found myself singing and dancing to “I feel pretty”, “Gee, Officer Krupke”, and “America.” Once a song has been heard enough, there is no forgetting it.
Final Thoughts
Although West Side Story was pushed on me by my parents as a child, the opportunity to enjoy a now version of this movie made me want to watch it again and again. I will be adding these musical songs to my playlist and will be singing “I feel pretty” again and again. I hope that this resurrection will trigger more musicals to be remade. Fingers crossed for Fiddler on the Roof.