Entertainment Podcasts

Welcome To The OC, Bitches! The Rewatch Podcast

Welcome to the OC, Bitches! - The Rewatch Podcast

The podcast “Welcome To The OC, Bitches!” brought me back to my freshman year of college. Back then, The OC was a new show. And this type of teen show was not my jam at that time, but my roommates were obsessed with it. At that time in my life, I pushed back on anything that deemed to be too young, too dumb, or too feminine and this show was all these things. So, when this podcast came across my desk as a full grown adult, when I was not afraid of appearing any way except for what I am interested in, I figured it was my opportunity to finally watch this show.

Premise of Welcome To The OC, Bitches

“Welcome To The OC, Bitches!” is a rewatch podcast of the show, The OC. Big surprise! It is hosted by the wonderful and beautiful Rachel Bilson, who played Summer, and Melinda Clarke, who played Julie Cooper. A lot of the show is reminiscing on what it was like to be on the show, where a lot of the decisions came from, and of course, bringing on guests to provide their insight. One of my favorites part of the show is when they discuss how The OC shaped pop culture during that time and the fashions that came out. It was an iconic show and looking at it from a retrospective almost 20 years later shows how big of an influence a show can have.

Final Thoughts

I started getting addicted to rewatch podcasts with Fake Doctors Real Friends, which is still a staple in my podcast lineup. Welcome To The OC, Bitches came second. And since then I’ve added many many more. I love getting the background knowledge and feeling like I have an in that no one else has. Is The OC my favorite show or one that I would pick? Absolutely not! But I’m enjoying it none the less!

Listen to Welcome To The OC, Bitches


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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