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Unpopular Opinion: Romantic Relationships Are a Business

When searching for a partner for a romantic relationship, it is great to have the butterflies in your stomach in the beginning. But when it comes to long term relationship success, butterflies are not going to cut it. In a successful relationship, if it’s treated like a business, it has a bigger chance of success.

Unpopular Opinion: Romantic Relationships Are a Business
Photo Credit: micheile dot com

Spotting the Right Partner is the Same as Doing Market Research

Single people looking for a partner tend to have a list of non negotables. This is the first step in finding a partner. The person knows what they are looking for. When they find someone who fits these criteria, the next step is to make sure they fit into their life. They should make sure the investment will be worth it. If you’re putting in a lot of resources into someone, make sure the reward will be worth it.

Relationships are selfish acts. If you are not getting what you need out of a relationship, it may be time to rethink it. Never be in a relationship that doesn’t meet you and your needs.

Photo Credit: Priscilla Du Preez

Communication is Key

Communication is one of the most important parts of a relationship. Without communication, one person does not understand where the other one stands. Discussing expectations and life goals are the only way to understand if a relationship will last.

When both parties are clear about what each person’s needs are, and how each person will go about meeting the other’s needs, everyone wins. If a person is unable to meet these expectations it could be time to consider ending the relationship.

Photo Credit: Mikhail Nilov


Finances are the part that is the most obvious part of a long term relationship being like a business. When I was single, some of my non negotables was around finance, to be financially secure. This was important to me because of my financial situation: zero debt, 401Ks, EFTs, a nice savings account, frugal but not cheap.

I am not saying that should have this same non negotiable. But if you too are money savvy, someone with a truckload of debt and not a penny to their name, might not be the knight in shining armor you think they are.

Final Thoughts

While love and romance is important, it’s best to also analyze your romantic relationship from a logical perspective. Love is not enough to have a long term and successful relationship.


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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