Uncut gems is a weird, yet oddly fascinating movie about a weird, yet oddly fascinating guy sucks at life. When did Adam Sandler stop making dumb funny movies and instead start making weird movies that seem to go nowhere. It all started with Punch Drunk Love and now, most recently, this movie, Uncut Gems. Now, I have a feeling we will start to see more of these crazy, plotless movies from him moving forward.
Premise of Uncut Gems
The premise of Uncut Gems is a Jewish man who, basically, sucks at life. He is bad with money. He is bad at business, but has somehow became somewhat successful over his lifetime. He is bad at his marriage. He is bad at his relationship with his kids. And he is bad with his girlfriend, which also may explain why he is so bad at his marriage. This guy who is bad at everything.
This man that is bad at everything then buys an uncut opal and lends it to a basketball player after being convinced it will bring him business. The basketball player then decides the opal is good luck and does not want to give it back. This triggers a series of events that then explains why he is bad at so many things. The entire movie is about this character being bad at things and therefore having a difficult life.
The Accolades of Uncut Gems
Although this movie was nominated for a number of awards, the number that it ended up winning is few. It ran against some great movies including Parasite, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Marriage Story, Ford v. Ferrari and many others. And against some of these great films, from an amateur eye like mine, Uncut Gems was not very award worthy. I mean, Adam Sandler did win Best Actor for the AARP Movies for Grownups Awards, so I guess that counts for something. Yes, that is a real thing. Look it up.
More On Adam Sandler
On the topic of Adam Sandler’s acting. I am so glad he has started taking himself seriously as an actor. I like him. He is good at what he does, being funny and acting. But if he plays one more part where he speaks in a funny voice or a guy who just has the worst luck ever, like many others, I am going to scream. I like him in a serious role. I like what he does in serious roles.
Final Thoughts
When I saw Punch Drunk Love, I do not remember the movie’s storyline. I do not remember the characters that played in the storyline nor the setting. I do not remember even if I liked it. But I remember thinking, “Wow! There is something else to Adam Sandler here.” And now, here he is in Uncut Gems, doing it once again. I am hoping this is not the end to these different movies he is now making. Keep it up Mr. Sandler!