Whenever I finish a show, I find another one to move onto. Many times, I will go to the suggested which is how I found Three Busy Debras. But what does Marrying Millions have to do with this odd show? I have no clue. These shows are night and day. Reality vs. scripted. Drama vs. comedy. And I am not sure how I walked away feeling about this show. Did I like it? Did I hate it? I have no clue.
Premise of Three Busy Debras
There is not much of a premise to Three Busy Debras. If there was a premise, it would be that three comedians came together and created a show where they could spotlight their comedy. The show starts with explaining that this is a charming town with charming people with three busy women all named Debra. And in a single sentence, that is exactly what this is. The rest of the show can only be explained as odd.
In the series, they kill and then replace the pool boy with his twin brother. Two of the Debras get into cartwheel club, leaving the third out, and take hormones to compete with the others who cartwheel. The Three Busy Debras go off on their “rumspringa“, similar to how the Amish leave their communities in order to live like the majority do, and live their separate lives. And ATMs that spit out cash ends up ruining their lives. These are just a handful of the episode premises this show has to offer.
Am I Related to One Of The Creators?
After IMDbing what the hell this show was, I realized I had the same last name as one of the creators and main characters, Sandy Honig. And our names even rhyme. After researching and finding everything I can find about her, I am still pondering this question. I came to the conclusion that not only do we have the same last name, and a first name that rhymes, but we both have family in both New York and Los Angeles and she kinda looks like that side of the family…. and that is all.
Final Thoughts
This show came on to my television and went by so fast that I did not have time to form an opinion of how I felt about it. All I know is that this was a very odd show and may feature a D- celebrity that I may have no connection to. For a quick laugh, I say do it! Watch the damn show if for no reason but to support these up and coming comedians. Then when they do become A listers, you can say you were a fan when.