I made a happy Korean mistake today while looking to watch a new movie. I rented The Witch, thinking I was renting a movie to watch prior to listening to an episode of Movie Crush. Nope. That’s a completely different movie that has nothing to do with this one. Do I prefer to read subtitles when I’m trying to wind down after a crazy week at work? Not at all. Am I disappointed? Not for a minute. I kinda loved this movie.
That being said, I find I am a fan of foreign movies regardless of forcing me to read. I find American movies to be made of up the same makeup. The characters are similar. The plots are similar. And the sets are similar. Whereas I find that foreign movies are very much, by definition, not American. And therefore also very different from what is generally easy to find here.
Premise of The Witch
A girl at the age of eight escapes a lab of some sort for children. She is found by a farmer and taken in by him and his wife. She doesn’t remember who she is, what her name is or how old she is. Ten years later she is on a singing show, think American Idol like. And the people who run the lab she escaped from see her and go to find her. It then comes out that she is no ordinary girl. She is a girl with all kinds of powers and capable of all kinds of things.
It’s not until half way through this happy Korean mistake movie that things really start to get crazy and the watcher is told what this lab is all about. After everything gets explained, things get wild. It’s not what you have thought up until this point.
Who is the Handsome Man From the Train?
My favorite line in this happy Korean mistake of a movie is when this man says “Jesus Fucking Christ.” Let me reiterate, this is a Korean movie. This means thatthis is a movie that is almost completely in the Korean language. If you know me and I was to have a montra, this exclamation that this same Korean man has would probably be it. I can be a bit of a potty mouth in real life.
Also, when I saw his face I knew I knew it from somewhere. A quick IMDB search revealed to me that I knew exactly how I knew him. He was in the most talked about movie of 2019, Parasite. When this fact came out, I realized why I liked this movie so much. It’s not just a movie from Korea. It’s one of the better movies coming out of Korea. And that’s how this became my happy Korean mistake.
Final Thoughts
As much of a happy Korean mistake this movie was and completely not the movie I intended on watching, I surprisingly really enjoyed it. I could have easily turned it off, but I did not. Which keeps me thinking, at this point, the question is, do I watch part 2?