
The Time Traveller’s Wife: A Lifelong and Fearless Love Story

The Time Traveller's Wife: A Lifelong and Fearless Love Story

Time travel is not a unique topic for fiction, but this fearless love story approaches time travel in a heart wrenching way. There are some messed up and crazy twists and turns this book takes. This book takes the excitement out of travelling through time and turns it into a scary situation no one would want to experience. Adding an element of being a gene that gets inherited, time travel turns into something that can be related to an inherited medical condition.

Premise of The Time Traveller’s Wife

In the early chapters of The Time Traveller’s wife, we meet a six year old child named Claire, who is playing in the meadow near her home when a naked man, Henry, appears. Although this man does not explain it to her at the time, but he knows that when Claire grows up, she will marry him. He does explain to the child what she needs to know to help him in the future. She needs to keep clothes and food for the dates he provides her in this meadow. He will be back.

As time progresses, Henry is right to his word and he appears again and again on the dates he provides. Each time he appears they spend more and more time together and he finally reveals to her that one day they will marry. The rest of the story is their growing old together, creating a family who also travels through time without any control, and finally to Henry’s tragic death.

Time Travel In This Book

Travelling through time is not a glamorous thing to experience in this book. It is set out as a scary situation that in uncontrollable. First, Henry is born with this genetic condition. He has no control of where he goes, when he goes, or for long he goes. He does not know how far in the past or future he is capable of travelling. For this reason, he does not drive, he does not take airplanes, and he uses drugs to calm his stress levels, the only thing that seems tied to his travelling through time.

Final Thoughts

This book was a great take on a classic topic that moved my emotions all over the place. The love story made me swoon. The traveling in time made me curious. And the tragedy made me cry. This was by far one of the best books I have read in a long time and highly recommended. I now need to watch the movie, but there is no way the movie was better.

Read The Time Traveller’s Wife


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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