Movies Comedy: Television Series

The Peanut Butter Solution: The Concoction To Make Hair Grow

Marc Schoenbach "The Peanut Butter Solution" - Bottleneck Art Gallery

The Peanut Butter Solution was one of the oddest stories that I have seen in a children’s movie. And I feel like that is saying a lot. There are a lot of strange children’s movies out there. But making a solution out of peanut butter to make hair grow may be what takes the cake.

Premise of The Peanut Butter Solution

A kid becomes self conscious after losing his hair when he peeks into a burned down house and sees ghosts. Like ridiculously and overly self conscious. Luckily, the ghosts who scared him have a solution for him: it includes a laundry list of weird stuff, like flies, and to keep it all together: Peanut Butter! Making this concoction the Peanut Butter solution. But he is warned not to add too much peanut butter, as something bad might happen, but they can’t tell him what.

This bad thing, we find out early in the movie, is that his hair will grow… and grow… and grow. The movie then takes some twists and some turns and before we know it, we are in a sweat shop of children ran by a French… or Italian(?) art teacher who was fired from the school because he made children unhappy by not allowing them to be creative. In his sweatshop, he feeds the children yogurt but only if they make 500 units each day. What is going on with this movie?

How I Found This Movie

This was a movie that came out of the How Did This Get Made? podcast and it fits the bill. NOTHING in this movie makes sense. The hair and the peanut butter solution are the ONLY things that make sense in this movie. There is the sister who plays the mother figure, even though mom is just in Australia for a bit. There is the best friend who wants his public hair to grow… in a children’s movie. Then there are ghosts who frighten a child and then decide to help the child grow his hair back. When twenty children go missing, no one does anything about it.

Final Thoughts

I’m not sure what this movie is. Or how it is. Or where it is. It is just a confused little movie. A confused little movie that I think I will skip if it shows up in another movie podcast I listen to. Or if it just comes up at all.

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As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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