Books Lists Movies

The Movie Was Better: My Favorite Movies/ Series Made From Books

This was a tough list to make. Much tougher than my “The Book Was Better” list. In the case of most of these, it’s close to a draw, but when I really think about it, I have to admit, in these cases, I prefer the Movie to the Book. I know that is Blasphemy, but you know what? It’s the truth.

Les Miserable

Les Misérables (2012 film) - The movie was better

No one can deny this one. Sure the book is a classic. Sure it will go down in history. But does anyone REALLY want to read the 1,463 pages or listen to the 60 hrs and 26 min that I did? Most people? No. Although the movies (as there have been multiple over the years) run through the story quickly, all that is needed to be said is said.

In talking about the 2012 version of the movie, the benefit to having such a great classical book and play is that there was already a lot invested in the movie before it was even started. The book was huge and the play brought it back. They were able to get a great cast and crew that could do this book justice. And that is why I prefer the movie over the book.

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Interview With The Vampire

Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994) - the movie was better

I was a bit young when I read Interview With the Vampire. I was just learning that reading could be fun but I don’t think I was quite sold on it yet. I was also a bit young when I watched the movie for the first time. I had watched the movie prior to reading the book and so the imagination I usually use when I read, was not working too hard.

At the early teen age years, what is interesting is the costumes and the darkness. How the actors, the biggest actors of the time, move and speak their lines. The book was not nearly as sexy as the movie. And in my much older age I stand by that opinion.

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Emma (1996) - the movie was better

Emma was a tough tough book for me to get through. I had a tough time following the plot and figuring out who was who. I couldn’t follow any story line as, in some cases, dragged on entirely too long about something boring. What was much simpler was watching any of the movies on Emma. This is one of the few book/ movie combos on this list that was not a tough choice for me. I’m sorry, Jane Austin, I’m not a fan.

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Fight Club

Fight Club - the movie was better

Fight Club is a hard one for me, but when I really think about it, I really prefer the movie. That being said, this is one of the few books I’ve read in a single day, so I clearly didn’t hate the book either.

First, anything with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton is going to get my attention. But there was much more than that. The way Edward Norton explained how little and insignificant his life is. The way that Brad Pitt comes in like a splash of color. The way that not only did the story and characters change, but the whole movie changed.

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Big Little Lies

Big Little Lies - The Movie Was better

Don’t get me wrong, I liked the book. But the series felt a lot more adult to me. It felt as though the story was less of a cartoon and more as though it could have really happened. The production was great and the acting was fantastic.

One of the clear reasons I prefer the series to the book is the relationship between Celeste and Perry Wright. In the book, it is clear that they have an abusive relationship. But seeing it on screen brought it to life. It made it feel real and like I needed to do something.

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Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians - the movie was better

This was another hard one for me. The book was absolutely delightful. I really enjoyed it. But it sat alongside all the other Chick Lit books I’ve read. It didn’t stick out and it didn’t go down in the books as the best book I’ve ever read.

Then comes the movie. I’ve been to Asia but the world this book paints is not one I’m familiar with. The thing that I really liked about the movie is that it really painted the picture I couldn’t otherwise see. And for that reason and that reason only, the movie was better.

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The Martian

The Martian - The movie was better

What I appreciate about the book: it justifies EVERY choice made. What I don’t appreciate about the book: it justifies EVERY choice made. Calculations are given and then making choices based on these calculations show how someone actually could live on Mars. I love it. I do. Without the justifications and the calculations, this story would labeled as Sci Fi. But with them, it’s plain fiction.

That being said, I’m not looking to do math homework while reading. The line between Sci Fi and plain fiction don’t matter to me. I loved the movie because it was the great story line without the need to defend itself. It was fine sitting as it is.

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As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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