Books Memoir

A Promised Land: One Of The Most Powerful Presidents Of The United States

Barack Obama A Promised Land
A Promised Land: One of the most powerful Presidents Of The Untied States

It is difficult to ignore a book written by one of the most powerful presidents of the United States and so of course A Promised Land made it to my “to read” list. Other than being written by former president, Barak Obama, I did not know what to expect from this book. It was a bit political for my taste and a bit long, but I came into reading it with that expectation.

Premise of A Promised Land

A Promised Land is about how Barak Obama came into politics, running for president, and a number of items he had to deal with as president. He discussed how becoming president actually allowed him to spent time with his daughters, how his wife, Michelle, was not supportive of his choice to run for politics, and how he approached the killing of Osama Bin Laden and the BP oil spill. He dealt with a lot of difficult choices during his presidency and he defends his choices and how the public criticized him for these choices.

My Own Political Views

I grew up in an extremely liberal town in Northern California full of college students and hippies. From this, I have always considered myself a liberal, not a democrat, a liberal. As I have gotten older and now live in a very Republican town where a majority of my friends are Republican, I question how I grew up and if that is still what I believe. What I do know is that I am not a political person but there are items that came from one of the most powerful presidents that I will defend including the affordable care act.

Final Thoughts

I do not consider myself to be a very political person. Reading this book was partially in support of Obama and also in interest in reading a book by one of the most powerful presidents of The United States. I have read his wife’s book and enjoyed that book as well. A Promised Land was interesting in seeing his views of many of the situations I remember occurring during his presidency.

Read A Promised Land


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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