Business: Podcasts Lists Podcasts

The 4 Best Podcasts For Learning About Money

The 4 Best Podcasts For Learning About Money
Photo Credit: olia danilevich

It always surprises me how many people I know who are financially illiterate and are not learning about money. Knowing how to make money is one thing, but knowing about personal finance, investing, or how the economy works is a completely different thing. Knowing about it all is like having a money super power. I have become obsessed with money over my lifetime. Not just making more of it, but all the fascinating things that go along side making money. This has lead me to listen to various types of podcasts about money over time. This list includes some of my favorites.

The Ramsey Show

For anyone who is just learning about money and personal finances and particularly those who have a lot of debt they want to get rid of, The Ramsey Show is a GREAT place to start. It is not the most entertaining of podcasts, but the advice Dave Ramsey gives is solid and easily repeatable. This is actually not even a podcast. It is a radio show that is broadcasted across the United States, that his team has made into a subscribeable podcast. I will warn you, there is a strong religious element to the show, but if you can push that aside, this is a great place to start.

Listen to The Ramsey Show

Stacking Benjamins

The guys at the Stacking Benjamins show give great personal finance advice as well. That is if the advice was given in dad jokes. These guys think they are funny, and I must admit, when I am alone and listening to them, I crack up at their dumb jokes. But I would never admit that. Not where the entire internet could find it anyways.

If Dave Ramsey is a little too dry or a little too religious, then this would be my next suggestion for learning about money. The only thing these two podcasts have in common is giving great repeatable and solid financial advice.

Listen to Stacking Benjamins


Switching gears a bit, TBOY (The Best One Yet) will give a bit more of an advanced approach to money. It is different from all the other podcasts on this list about learning about money. Purchasing individual stocks to be specific. I trade stocks for a hobby and buy ETFs for income, as I suggest to all my financially illiterate friends. But when it comes to trading stocks, I would not do it without hearing it from these guys first. They are a bit wacky, but in the cool, I want to be their friend, kind of way. This is a short form podcast (less than 15 minutes per episode) and is released daily Monday through Friday, which makes it a great quick listen to every day. If nothing else, they guys are super entertaining to listen to.

Listen to TBOY

Planet Money

Finally, moving onto a podcast about learning about money as a general topic. Not as a how to or what to do: NPR’s Planet Money. They cover all types of typics. They have run multiple experiments like buying junk bonds or a barrel of oil. They talk about current events like what causes inflation, who makes the call that we are in a recession, and free markets in Russia. They talk about how farmers can change the price of food and how financially realistic The Simpsons are. This podcast is less about knowing how to do things for yourself and more about learning how money works in the world. The stories they cover are not just educational, but also entertaining.

Listen to Planet Money

Final Thoughts About Learning About Money

Podcasts are one of my favorite ways to learn about any subject. This list of podcasts are the podcasts I recommend to help with learning about money. Go ahead. Take a listen.


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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