
A Guide to Start a Successful Book Club

I have wanted to be apart of a Book Club pretty much my whole life. So, when I moved into a new town, I contacted the only person I knew, and she invited me to her Book Club, I was in! I thought this was a temporary thing. But more than eight years later, we are still meeting once a month. We had the start a successful book club.

I often wonder, why we were successful, and very few others survive. So, I took some time to reflect on what made this Book Club successful and what others may be able to copy.

Commit to the First Meetings At (Almost) Any Cost

Starting the Book Club is the hardest part of the whole thing. I cannot count how many times, usually after a few cocktails, my friends and I decided we needed to start a book club. But rarely have these come to fruition.

My recommendation is to set dates and locations three to six months out and commit to it. After this point, you are past the hardest part and as long as you continue to invite new people in, it will continue.

Set Rules and Systems

Our Book Club has a number of rules and systems to keep the club running smoothly. Some of these rules include:

  • Dates and a host for each date are picked 6 months in advanced.
  • The date they host, the host is responsible to choose at least 3 books the group can pick from. Books are automatically removed if anyone had read it.
  • Food is provided by host. And everyone brings a bottle of wine or a drink of their choice.
  • Books are chosen two months in advanced. Therefore, if you finish a book early, there is another book to read.
  • Both listening to and reading are fine.
  • It is not required to read the book to attend. But it is encouraged.
  • Although we must talk about the book, it is NEVER the main topic of discussion. Our club is based on relationships and reading books we would not otherwise read.
  • We keep a Facebook group which all communication including the next book and meeting details are posted.

Relax on the Rules

Although rules should be set to keep things smooth, some exceptions can (and should) be made to start a successful book club. Book Club is intended to be a fun and not dreaded. Have fun and allow for changes based on the group. As things come up, add and remove rules.

Make a Game of It

One of the best things we have done to start a successful Book Club was to make a game out of Book Club. Every January, everyone puts $10 into the pot. Then every month each person gets 1 point for showing up and 1 point for reading the book. In December, we count the points and divvy out the cash to first, second, and third place. We track all the points, as well as some other details, in a Book Club book.

After the same three people were on the top for six years in a row (one of them being me), this got changed to a lottery. Each person would get a ticket, rather than a point, for each of the above. And in December we will draw a first, second, and third place.

Make up your own rules and your own prizes to encourage the behavior you want to reward. By rewarding good behavior, you will have the start to a successful book club.

Invite (Just About) Everyone You Know

One of the reasons why this book club has become successful is the breadth of people who members have invited. There have been childhood friends, best friends, sister in-laws, coworkers, gym friends, or, in my case, ex-boyfriend’s brother’s ex-girlfriends. From the beginning, there are only three of us who were around the first year. But it doesn’t matter because we are constantly growing and adding new members.

That being said, there are people who I know won’t fit into the group.

Some Books We Have Read


In order to start a successful book club getting started is the number one thing to remember. Also, there is no wrong way to do Book Club. As long as you start a bookclub, you will start a successful Book Club.


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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