Movies Comedy: Movies

Why Did I Waste My Time With Watching Snatched

Snatched (2017) - IMDb

Once upon a time, I liked Amy Schumer. She was the funny, real girl, not a size zero, that I could related to. I applaud her for all she was doing for real women. Every time I saw her I thought “There needs to be more role models like her in the world!”

Then I read her book, “The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo“. All I read was: pretentious, not funny, not what I wanted to hear. I have found that a chunk of celebrity memoirs real like “Poor me. Poor me. BUT not so poor that you think poorly of me” and this is no different. And so, Snatched was not a movie I was dying to see nor will there be much more Amy Schumer in my comedy movie list.

Premise of Snatched

The idea of this movie is that Amy Schumer’s character convinces her mother to go to the Dominican Republic with her. While on vacation they are “Snatched” with the expectation of getting a reward. They try to escape the bad man who is the only nephew and only son was killed by Amy Schumer’s character. This puts them in even bigger doo doo than they originally where when they were originally sntached.

How I Came To Watch Snatched

To be clear, I did not turn Snatched on. This movie came into my life on a lazy Sunday. My boyfriend turned the channel to this movie. I happened to be sitting on the couch next to him. He did not turn it off. And neither did I. Thank goodness for the one off funny lines and Goldie Hawn (she can do no wrong in my book) that I actually got through the whole movie.

Final Thoughts

Media that implies a country is dangerous drives me a bit nuts. I get that you should not put your guard down but that goes for France as much as it goes for any Latin American country. Yes, some countries are worse than others, but do your research and don’t let your guard down and you will be fine. Don’t let a dumb movie with a dumb actress tell you otherwise.

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As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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