Entertainment Podcasts

Sex and the City Rewatch: They Hate This Popular Show

Sex and the city rewatch podcast
Sex and the City Rewatch:  They Hate This Show

I have become addicted to a wide range of rewatch podcast which led me to find the Sex and the City rewatch podcast. As an avid Sex and the City fan, the original Chick Flick television show, (note to self: also write a Sex and the City post in the future) since I was too young to even understand this show, I was super excited to find this Sex and the City rewatch podcast. And I hate to say, I am disappointed.

Why I Am Not A Fan Of This Sex and the City Rewatch Podcast

In listening to the first episode of the Sex and the City Rewatch podcast, I questioned my decision to listen to this Sex and the City Rewatch podcast. My thought was not based on the content but based on the quality. As I got a few episodes of this podcast under my belt, I noticed the quality did improve a bit, not completely. I figured would continue to stick with this as a regular podcast as the quality was listenable. Strike one!

As I started to listen it seemed as though the word “hate” got thrown around a lot. “I hated this episode.” “I hate this line she said.” “I hated the decision the writers made to do this.” “I hate the topic of this episode.” “I hate how they dress Miranda.” Okay fine, that one I can get on board with. But there is too much “hate” in this Sex and the City rewatch podcast and not enough “love” for people who apparently loves this show. Strike two!

Every episode there is a complaint that “real life would not happen” or “that doesn’t just happen in New York”. The comparison of a fictional show to reality is a bit of a stretch. I personally, have referenced Sex and the City in my real life plenty of times. As a youth, perhaps I was stretching, but as I get older, there is some truth to these off the wall ideas the writers came up with. Strike three!

Why I Still Listen

Clearly, I am annoyed by this podcast, so why do I keep watching? Two reasons. First, I enjoyed Sex and the City so much that I love the idea of having someone or something to force me to not only rewatch it, but also to rewatch it with me and discuss it. Second, I put so much time between each episode, that I forget how much of negative Nancy’s these women are. Each time I start a new episode I think to myself “Is this really that bad?” And so I keep listening (as I add the next episode to my listen list with plenty of hesitation).

Final Thoughts

If you have ever wanted to start a podcast and you enjoy the show Sex and the City, please, I beg you, please make a rewatch podcast of this show. I am done listening to these women complain about a show I love and many others do too. Being critical is not how to convince others that you are smart.

Listen to Sex and the City Rewatch Podcast


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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