
Second Act: Watch A Strong Women Chick Flick

SECOND ACT (2018) – full plot (spoilers)

This movie has all the same tones as most of Jennifer Lopez‘s chick flick movies. However, the one thing this movie has that most chick flick movies don’t is, although it’s a love story, it’s not a love story between a man and a women. It’s a love story between two related women. I’m kinda giving away the big plot twist, but you learn this about half way in. One thing I am still unsure of is why “Second Act”?

The Premise of Second Act

General idea is that bad ass Maya Vargas, played by Jennifer Lopez, kills it at her job… at a discount store. As a birthday gift, one of her friends sons remakes her whole social media to show her impressive background. Part of this impressive background includs going to Stanford. Shortly after, a huge beauty corporation reaches out to her to offer her a temporary consultant in a Manhattan office.

This position comes with a corner office, a massive penthouse, and unlimited spending at a high end department store, as a temporary consultant. And as a temporary consultant, her only job is to compete with an executive on making a new skin care line. She was given this job only because she told them their current one sucks, as a temporary consultant. Did I mention that she gets more perks than a regular employee because she went to Stanford and now works as a temporary consultant? A little far fetched if you ask me. But hey, it’s a Jenifer Lopez chick flick.

It is explained later as to why she was offered the job. Without giving too much away, the CEO and his daughter wanted a close look at this women for reasons I won’t say. But hint hint, I eluded to at the beginning of this article. In real life, there are many other inexpensive ways of meeting someone without them knowing other than giving them a penthouse. Just saying.

I’m Not Sure About The Name

As for the name, Second Act, is it her second act at working? Second act as a mother? (Whoops! Giving away that plot twist again.) Second act at being a fancy New Yorker? Second act in her career?

My Final Thoughts

This movie is good for some light movie watching. Despite what it might seem like, I did kinda enjoy it. It warmed my heart.

Watch on Amazon


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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