Television Podcasts

Scrubs and Fake Doctors, Real Friends Is a Great Podcast

Scrubs:  Fake Doctors, Real Friends with Zach and Donald

In looking for a new entertainment podcast to listen to, I stumbled upon “Fake Doctors, Real Friends with Zach and Donald”. Although I have never been a hard core fan, I have always enjoyed watching Scrubs. I have loved Zach Braff since Garden State and Donald Faison since Clueless and thought, why not? I am a few episodes in and I am really enjoying it.

How They Discuss Scrubs

This podcast focuses on one Scrubs episode at a time in chronological order starting with the Pilot. They bring in other people who have worked on the show, including other actors, writers, producers, the show runner, and more. And with these guests they talk through some of the background events, inside jokes that developed, and antics. Basically, they talk about how the sausage was made. Every episode they have a question and answer session with a fan and the appreciation and interest they have in these people will make you love them more than you already do.

Most Recent Guest

In the last episode I listened to they brought in the show runner, Bill Laurence. Because he is the show runner, he had all kinds of incite that Zach and Donald were not even aware of. Anytime they bring someone from the production of the show into the podcast they are able to get incite into the show they did not previously have.

Their first question was about the people who casted the actors and actresses who reoccured on the show, what their impression of their additions and how he felt about their start on the show? They also asked him about a rumor on the show where a person who was working in the props department was fired and hid the stuffed dog, Rowdy, in the ceiling. Laurence confirmed that this had happened. Other nice little goodies like this get exposed throughout the entire series.

Final Thoughts

It is not that Scrubs is my favorite show, but there is nothing to not love about these two guys and and how they interact with each other. They clearly have a similar bromance to their characters in the show. They are an entertaining pair that is worth listening to regardless of watching the show along side or not. And this podcast got me to rewatch the show without bingeing, which is a nice new pace of television watching for me.

Listen to Fake Doctors, Real Friends with Zach and Donald

Watch On Amazon


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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