Ready Player One was, not only my favorite book of the mid 2010s, but many of people in the US. It was just a matter of time until the movie came out and the sequel book, Ready Player Two, which is a rushed version of the first book. Ready Player Two was way to similar to the first book without any of the pull like the first.
Premise of Ready Player Two
Ready Player Two starts where Ready Player One left off. The main character, Wade Watts, and his friends are the richest people on earth and majority owners of the platform used in Ready Player One. We do a rushed update on what has happened and then enter a new technology. The details of the new technology are given and then we rush to the point where this new technology prompts a new competition that only Wade can play.
This competition than leads to what could be the end of the world. The rest of the book resembles Ready Player One and going through 80s video games, music, and movies to win the “shards” needed to put them all together and win the grand prize.
What Made It A Rushed Version Of The First Book
Once Ready Player Two announces the second competition, the second book is a near identical run through the first book; however, instead of running over a year or two it runs over 24 hours. The characters go from taking a year to try to get the first shard to being able to get all seven in less than 24 hours.
Final Thoughts
Ready Player One was fantastic. Ready Player Two was a necessary read but out of curiosity, not because it is actually a great read. The writing matched the quality of the first book but with the urgency of getting through it. It would have been in the author’s best interested to come up with a completely different concept rather than create this rushed version of the first book.