Books Sci Fi & Fantasy

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing: Robots Emerging Out Of Nowhere

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing: Robots Emerging out of Nowhere

When a group of robots emerging out of nowhere, April May, an aspiring artist is suddenly receives riches and fame from out of nowhere. These robots emerging has become something the whole world is watching. An Absolutely Remarkable Thing is Ready Player One meets Social Media meets alien encounters with a hard to believe storyline.

Premise of The Robots Emerging Out Of Nowhere Story

It all starts with a walk down the sidewalk at 4am in New York, where April May, an art school graduate, spots an artistic robot and decides to call her friend Andy to make a video to post to YouTube. It turns out that this is not the only robot in the world, that robots are emerging everywhere, and that no one saw them be placed in their locations. After the first robot is spotted, we go down a path of solving puzzles and figuring out what it all means and April May’s life turns from being a normal girl to a huge and rich celebrity.

Final Thoughts

This is a unique story that has the puzzle solving similarity to some of the sci fi books I have enjoyed in the past. In updating my Goodreads, I found that this is the first book in a two book series. I immediately added the second book to my “to read” list.

Read An Absolutely Remarkable Thing


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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