Finding Quick And Dirty History is a much different story than finding any other podcast I listen to, as I met the host before ever adding the podcast to my list of regularly listened to podcasts. Usually, I become interested in a topic and I do some research and add it to my regularly listened to podcasts hoping it does not suck. But after meeting the host, I knew this podcast would stay on my list.
Premise of Quick And Dirty History
The name is what this podcast is: a short podcast explaining a topic in history. American history to be precise. But what is unique is that there is a hilarious spin. Things like The Louisiana Purchase becomes an advertisement for buying a lot of crappy land for cheap. Winning Independence becomes, “Oh fuck! We now need to run a country! Let’s make a bunch of shit up.” Making this a podcast of America.
My Finding This Podcast Story
The two people I consider my longest and bestest friends do not live near me. To remedy this, we try to regularly take trips together. And this particular trip was over two years ago to Paso Robles in central California to wine taste. After a full day of wine tasting we decided that hard liquor was a good idea. So, we found a distillery called Wine Shine and Tin City Distillery.
We started conversation with the man behind the bar, which we all agreed was a very good looking man with a great booming voice. We found out he was a history teacher and of course worked at a distillery, but my friend could not shake that he must do something with that great voice. What do you do when you have been drinking all day and get chummy with your bartender and you have a question? You ask! And so we did and this podcast, Quick and Dirty History, is what came out of his mouth. As an avid podcast listener, I immediately added it to my list… and then bought four bottles of pre made Manhattans.
Final Thoughts
There are so many reasons to listen to Quick and Dirty History. The voice, the quality, the hilarity, the quickness (I am not one to waist time), the learning, and of course supporting a fellow artist with a hobby for creating something awesome. This podcast will remain on my list for years to come.