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This Is What The Simple Power of Positive Thinking Does

This Is What The Simple Power of Positive Thinking Does

The power of positive thinking goes much deeper than one might think. It can sometimes be difficult to focus on the positive everyday, but the more practice that is put into this, the easier it becomes. And the easier it becomes, the more it will feed your happiness and the more likely you will lead a happier life.

Feel Happier

State of mind has a lot to do with how you perceive your own reality. Have you ever noticed how miserable negative people seem all the time. On the flip side, people who wear a smile on their face tend to seem happier. In many cases, you can trick yourself into an emotion, it goes with the old saying “Fake it till you make it.” Eventually, you will start smiling on your own and feel happier as a result. Even the Mayo Clinic agrees with the power of positive thinking as a way to manage stress. Thinking of the glass half full can make a world of difference in your daily life.

Manifesting Your Future

Although this works with happiness, the power of positive thinking can also work for other aspects in your life. If you are facing a difficult obstacle, in many cases, if you believe you can overcome this obstacle, you can. It is the mind over matter way of thinking. The more you believe in yourself, the more you put your “I can’t do this attitude” aside and make way for tiny decisions that leads to overcoming just about any obstacle. But you must truly believe in yourself.

Tricks To Get Yourself Into The Power of Positive Thinking

It is not always easy to keep positive thoughts 100% of the time and nor is that necessary . There will be times where positivity is overwhelmed with negativity. Here are a few tips to help deal with it when this situation arises.

  • Feel your emotions, do not bottle them out resulting in resentment in yourself and the world around you overtime. If you have the urge to feel something other than positive, allow yourself to do so.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of the situation. If there is a silver lining, be sure to acknowledge it.
  • Don’t focus on other people’s success and happiness. If you can focus on your own positivity, what other people are doing will not matter. As an added bonus, avoid social media as it is breaking humanity in this aspect.
  • Talk about the situation with a trusted confidant or counselor. The more you talk about it, the less the power of the negativity has over you.
  • When in a flat emotion, think about what is positive that day or in the moment. Being alive is a great place to start.
  • Make note every day of the positive things that happened each day. As this practice continues, you will find yourself noting positive things throughout the day and not just during this practice.
  • Regularly remind yourself of the power of positive thinking.

The Power of Negative Thinking

Just as with positive thinking, negative thinking can do the opposite. It can keep you miserable and it can keep you not succeeding where you would like to fluish. When it is appropriate, brush off any negative thinking and just focus on the positive. The small switch in thinking to focus on the power of positive thinking can make a world of difference in your life.


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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