Comedy: Television Series Drama: Television Series Television

Call My Agent: The Hard Working People Behind French Actors

Call my Agent
Call My Agent!:  The People Behind French Actors

Call My Agent is a light and funny drama about movie agents, the people behind French Actors in Paris. What was bazar to me is that this is a French show and not a Hollywood show, as that is the main place where movies are made these days. But as France had once upon being the home of movies it starts to make sense. I also think this would have been a much different show if it was elsewhere and for that, I am glad Paris was the setting of choice.

Premise of Call My Agent

Call My Agent starts will Camille, a young girl from a small town in France, approaching her illegitimate father, Matais, in Paris. When he shows no interest in being in her life regularly, she gets a job in his agency firm and becomes a staple in the office.

It appears as though this will be the premise of the entire show, but it quickly becomes a subplot in web of craziness of the agents and their clients. Each episode covers a different client, their needs, and their crazy adventures along with the ongoing plots with the Agents.

My New Understanding of Agents

What I knew about Agents I learned from Californication, a show very much not about agents. What I learned about Agents in Call My Agent is that they are truly the the business people behind French actors or all actors, for that matter. They find the work. They negotiate the contracts. And they make sure the contracts are executed, on both sides, as agreed. I had no idea.

Final Thoughts

I love that this show was not the Hollywood trash it could have been and instead a truer show in Paris, France. This was no Dexter and no Breaking Bad. But it was a light drama that kept my attention and kept me watching about the people behind French actors.

Watch Call My Agent


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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