Drama: Movies Movies

Nomadland: The Freedom of Living In A Simple Van

Nomadland:  The freedom of living in a van

After Nomadland came out as the winner of the Academy Awards this year, this was the movie to see this year. So, I saw it. As I am watching this movie, I had three thoughts. Each one came right after the one before. The first is that except for the main actress, I have not seen any of the actors before. Next, I thought, these actors do not look like a typical Hollywood actor. Third and finally, I bet these are not professional actors.

After doing a bit of Googling, as I do when I am confused by something as I am watching a movie or a television series, I realized why this movie was so big at the Academy Awards, this movie not only used non actors but also had a very unconventional way of addressing a typical movie or a typical story.

Premise of Nomadland

After working a number of jobs around the country, Fern lands on a job in the shipping department at Amazon. After looking at various housing options, she opts to living in her van. From this decision, she is exposed to an entire community of people who enjoy the freedom of living in a simple van rather than having a conventional home. The movie goes into depth about the things they have given up and the things they have gained from making this life altering decision. In the end, there is no right way to live, just the right way for a person to chose to live.

The Unconventionality

This movie won tons of awards and was the movie of the year. That being said, watching the movie as an amateur, it makes little to no sense. Why would this movie be held in such high regard? What I had later came to learn is that the movie itself is nothing special but the making of the film and the subject matter that makes it so unique. It is the unconventionality of it all that makes a movie of the freedom of living in a simple van such a world renowned film.

Final Thoughts

As an amateur movie watcher, I did not care for this film regardless of the freedom of living in a simple van aspect. I do not see myself rewatching this film nor can I recommend it to any other amateur film watcher. That being said, I can respect that the critics of the world loved it. There are plenty of other movies that have received multiple awards, including Uncut Gems, that I can not get on board with. And there are also movies with multiple awards I can, such as Casablanca. Relating it to pickled fish, although there are a number of people who love the saltiness, I do not think this will ever be my cup of tea.

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As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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