Reality Television

Making The Cut: The New Fashion Show

Making the cut
Making The Cut:  The New Fashion Show

Making The Cut is a new fashion show that is reminiscent of the ever popular, Project Runway. Both Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum star in a reality show where fashion designers are making fashion to win. Tim plays the same roll, giving advice to the contestants and Heidi is head judge. Sound familiar? They even start the first episode with references to Project Runway.

Premise Of Making The Cut

Making The Cut is very similar to Project Runway with a slight twist. It is not about just the clothes, it is about the whole brand. Everything from leading a team to coming up with a business plan to creating a pop up store from the ground up is tested during the show. Each contestant needs to prove that not only can they create great new fashion but they can also be a successful business owner. Although Making The Cut is very different from my usual reality television show, the whole premise pulled me in.

Season 1

As with most new shows, this new fashion show was trying to figure out who it was. It starts with a transfer to Paris and taking in the Parisian atmosphere to collect ideas and inspire the contestants. As the competition continued on, it took on a dark rocker vibe, which I very much equate to my own personal style.

Season 2

Season 2 takes place during COVID, meaning the inspiration of travel was not a key element of the show. Instead, they mostly stayed in the Malibu compound and saw few people other than the people working directly on the show. The vibe at the end also took a much different turn with a lighter and more vibrant contestants in the final episodes of the season.

Final Thoughts

Once I turned the new fashion show on, I could not turn it off. It took me less than a week to get through two seasons while working a full time job. It also made me realized how much I wanted to a fancy wardrobe, but given my financial responsibility, it may need to be put on the back burner for now. Until that day, I will watch a season 3 if it ever gets the go ahead from Amazon.

Watch Making The Cut


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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