Business: Podcasts Podcasts

My First Million: A Podcast About Starting Something Successful

My First Million:  A Podcast About Starting Something Successful

My First Million is not the best name for this podcast, and the two guys who star in it, Shaan Puri and Sam Parr, will be the first to admit it. What seems to have started as a podcast about two guys talking about how they first started making money turned into the same two guys talking about business ideas that have the potential of being successful. They also talk to successful people in the business world and talk to them about success.

Why Listen?

This is a podcast about starting something successful and new. These are guys who know how to start something and make it worth millions of dollars. These are guys who thrive off the idea of making millions of dollars either for their benefit or someone else’s. They are (mostly) humble and love what they do. If their ideas benefit someone else’s, they are happy to watch. If nothing else, it is interesting to hear their thought process on developing ideas and where the ideas come from.

About The Hosts Of My First Million

When I was first told about this podcast, my initial thought was that these are two guys who have been mildly successful in their lives. But the more episodes one goes through the more they understand were both Shaan and Sam have been and where they are going. None of that could be called mildly successful.

Shaan has been the CEO of a number of companies including one, Bebo, that was purchased by Twitch for over $25 million. This is not a small feat to most people. He was also a CEO of Monkey Inferno which started multiple technology companies including Bebo. He is now working on a children’s brand.

Sam started The Hustle, which, I have started noticing, gets referred to in many of my other business podcasts. It is one of the biggest business news platforms on the internet right now. And which was recently purchased by HubSpot, who also, not so coincidently, also owns this podcast.

Final Thoughts

These men are not workers. They are starters. They have both made a career of coming up with an idea and executing on it into huge success. They are full of ideas. More than they will ever be able to execute on their own. Which is why they are passing on the ideas. If you too are able to execute, one of these may enable you be able to talk about “my first million.”

Listen to My First Million


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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