Classic: Movies Movies

My Dinner With Andre: Confusing Secrets Of This Movie

My Dinner With Andre:  Confusing Secrets Of This Movie

My Dinner With Andre was a movie that was beyond me. I am unsure how this got on my “To Watch” list as this is a movie I would expect to have it be released and then disappeared for eternity. Unlike all the other classic movies I have watched. The entire movie has two and a half actors, if you count the waiter, and two scenes, a restaurant and New York City. This is a movie full of two men dialoging rather than doing things. This is a tell not show movie.

Premise Of My Dinner With Andre

Wally, who the prospective is from, is a play write who had one successful play, thanks to Andre, who he is having dinner with at a nice restaurant. They have not seen each other for over five years but all Wally knows of Andre’s recent life is that he has been traveling without his wife and kids.

Although the conversation starts dull, when Wally starts to dig into what Andre has been doing for the past five years, Andre starts telling Wally these crazy stories of when he was traveling. Stories about being with people in Poland who do not speak English or have an agenda but seem to be able to speak through their actions. How his mother’s doctors did not see her as a human, only as an arm.

Is My Dinner With Andre Scripted?

Because the two actors play people with their same names and stories about their lives that are based on reality, it has been thought that perhaps this movie was completely improved. But the truth is that it was very carefully scripted with the scene, camera angels, wording, and props very carefully placed.

Final Thoughts

This movie and the stories being told was a bit bazaar to me. A lot of the dialog was difficult to follow as the stories are so off the wall. Although I did enough research to learn about the scripted nature of the movie, I am curious to know more about it. I know it is about philosophy but understanding the details is how to really understand this movie. But if this movie was taken seriously, I would question the pretentiousness of the viewer.

Watch My Dinner With Andre


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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