Chick Flick: Movies Movies

Moonshot: Launching Off To Mars As A Stowaway With Hope

Moonshot:  Launching Off To Mars As A Stowaway With Hope

Moonshot is a promising movie that fell flat. Although it was a cute idea, the story is predictable and the dialog is expected. The only saving grace for this movie is how little I expected going into this. It is no The Martian. It is no Apollo Thirteen. It is on point with Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century.

Premise of Moonshot

Walt wants so badly to go to Mars. He has applied for the study program dozens of times but has no luck. When he falls in love with a girl who adopts a stow away cat, he gets an idea. He recently met a girl that may be his key to getting to Mars. He convinces her that she should go on her own adventure to Mars and uses her to get into stowaway position. She is on her way to meet her love and he is on his way to meet his. But when things do not appear as they should, the obvious happens (spoiler alert) and they find the love they are looking for in each other.


Considering what a flop I felt this movie was, there were some actors I feel fondly of in this movie starting with Zach Braff. After becoming addicted to his podcast, Fake Doctors Read Friends, no matter what movie he is in, I always have an awww moment, including in Moonshot. Similar to Zach Braff, every time I see Michelle Buteau, I get excited as well. Although I have seen her around for awhile, it was not until The Circle that I really got excited every time I see her. For some reason, getting to see minor celebrities pop up gets me giddy.

Final Thoughts

Moonshot is a cheesy teen level romance story. It is very predictable and very few surprises shoot out. If this is exactly what you are looking for, this film is great. If you are looking for anything a step above fine, then find something else. You will not find it here.

Watch Moonshot


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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