Business: Podcasts Podcasts

My Selected Money Making Podcast Is Robinhood Snacks Daily

Robinhood Snacks Daily Is My Go-To Money Making Podcast

Listening to podcasts is one of my favorite ways to learn about and digest news. As Robinhood is my go to money making app, therefore Robinhood Snacks Daily Podcast is my go to money making podcast. No, the podcast itself doesn’t make me money but the ideas keep me in the loop to make informed decisions when using the app to purchase stocks. In addition to learning about the current market, it is also entertaining.

Premise of This Money Making Podcast

The guys who host the daily podcast are charming and keep the business news, that may otherwise be dull, interesting. They have developed a number of “inside” jokes with their listeners. These are jokes I have heard a hundred times but are only now picking up on. Jokes like, “this is the best one yet” referring to how great their podcast episode is.

At one point during COVID, they had a dog barking at the halfway mark that drove me nuts for weeks of listening to this podcast. I must have missed the episode where they explained that they will start having a barking dog and what the purpose of the dog was. I later learned, when others had the same confusion, that the purpose of the dog barking was to encourage people to get out and walk during the daily show during the start of COVID. The midway part was when the dog would bark and signified the point where the walker is to turn around.

The Robinhood Snack Podcast Theme Song

In order to give the boring legal disclaimers they are required to have by the SEC, they have done what Virgin Airlines did. They took their boring safety spiel and made a rap out of it. The rap is entertaining enough and I regularly find myself humming along. As much as I would like to sing along, since I tend to listen to my podcasts on 2x I don’t think most humans can rap that fast. I said “most!”

Final Thoughts

Robinhood Snacks Daily Podcast is my go to podcast for my money making advice. The investing wheels in my head are generally turning as I listen to this short podcast. Although it does not make me money directly, I have found it is the best business news about the stock market for me and I consider it my money making podcast.

Listen to Robinhood Snacks Daily Podcast


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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