Reality Television

Marrying Millions: Marrying Into The Life Of Luxury

Marrying Millions
Watch Marrying Millions: Marrying into the life of luxury

Marrying millions by marrying into a life of luxury is something that many single people without money dream about. Given that, who would not want to watch a reality show where people are marrying into the life of luxury? It gives a snapshot of what it might look like to go from rags to riches without the work making money usually requires and makes it appear to be a possible reality. Not only is it the kind of trashy television that is best watched with a martini, but it could be considered the trashiest of the trashiest.

Premise of Marrying Millions

Marrying Millions is a show about couples. As the name suggests, one of the people in the couple is rich and the other one comes from a normal and humble life. In many cases, the families and friends are not on board with the relationship. And this disapproval is the cause a lot of the stir and conflict which makes for great trashy television. There is a lot of power struggles within the couples. There are a lot of age differences in these couples. And the struggles in these relationships make the life of marrying into riches not as appealing as one may dream.

Marrying Into The Life of Luxury

In all the couples featured on this show, there is the question of what the motivation is for the people without the money marrying into this life of luxury. There are fancy cars, expensive jewelry and watches, yachts, designer clothes, and of course, fat engagement rings that cost more than the average yearly salary in the United States. These people claim they are in it for the right reasons, but only time will tell if they actually are.

Final Thoughts

Marrying Millions makes for great trashy television on a Friday night with an icy cold martini. The enjoyment of watching people marrying into the life of luxury is interesting to me. I like watching the drama that it all entails in these adventures. And I enjoy watching people do the dumb things they do for money. And in some cases, the dumb thing they do, is marry someone who has millions of dollars.

Watch Marrying Millions on Hulu


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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