Books Classics: Books Crime

Lolita: The Daring Story Of A Dirty Old Man

Lolita: Nabokov, Vladimir: The Daring Story of A Dirty Old Man

The book Lolita has come across my lap about five million times; however, I have been very hesitant to read this daring story. When I read My Dark Vanessa, where Lolita was referenced again and again, I knew that once I got to reading Lolita, I would be cringing the whole way through the descriptions. And sure enough, I was right.

Premise of Lolita

Lolita starts with a man who is brought into a house to be the teacher of the young girl there. The book is from this man’s perspective and from the day he enters the house, we hear his thoughts and how he feels about the young girl. We hear about how he lusts after her and even devises a plan to be closer to her. When his plan is fully realized, he becomes widely accepted as her father while they tour the country together.

The True Story

Yes, as if the story, by itself is not bad enough, this daring story is based on a true life where a man comes close with a young girl, kidnaps her, and convinces the public that he is her father. In public he is her loving father while raping her when they are in private. Unfortunately, I learned about this fact prior to ever opening the book and it haunted me all through the reading through the details and hearing this story through this man’s lens.

Final Thoughts

Lolita is a daring story that is not for the faint of heart. It is at time difficult to read and even more difficult to believe something like this actually happened. It is a difficult story to get through and I was a bit relieved when I finished it. That being said, with continuous references to this story, it is worth the read. If you can get through it.

Read Lolita


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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