Lock Every Door starts where you know it is too good to be true. A girl is in desperate need of a job and a place to live and gets the perfect opportunity at the right time. It seems as though her bad luck has changed. And then sure enough the curse of the famous apartment building comes slithering out. And when the curse comes out, what seems too good to be true is too good to be true.
Premise of Lock Every Door
Jules is in desperate need of a job, a place to live, and a new life. It seems to good to be true, but she came across the perfect job, apartment sitting at the Bartholomew, the most infamous New York City building. She has been dreaming of living here her entire life. But living at the Bartholomew comes at a steep price.
There are strict rules for a house sitter at the Bartholomew. No guests in the building. She must stay the night there every night during her job. Do not talk to the other residents of the Bartholomew. There are no exceptions to these rules and these rules are just the beginning. Jules starts to learn about the dark past of the Bartholomew and starts to tie that past to the current curse of the famous apartment she now resides.
The book starts with the middle of the story. It begins with Jules getting hit by a car. A bit part of the rest of the book is the story of all the events leading up to the crash. All the events that come after are the actions she must take in order to get her destroyed life back in order.
Final Thoughts
I am always down for a thriller book and this was definitely that. This is no Agatha Christie but it is definitely worth the read. But if you are a thriller junkie, this is a must add to the “to read” list. Just when it seems like this book is going to go into a dumb and obvious direction, the direction changes again in a more practical way. And the direction it goes, makes this story of the curse of the famous apartment building even more chilling. Nothing stands out about this book but it was good enough to pass along to anyone else who reads as much (or more) than myself.