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The Practical Top 8 Reasons to Listen To and Enjoy Podcasts

The Practical Top 8 Reasons to Listen To and Enjoy Podcasts

I’ve never been a music person. I just never got either listening to the same thing over and over again or hearing it for the first time. Yes, I have my favorite artists. These are my top 8 reasons to listen to and enjoy podcasts.

Learn More About a Subject You Know

Getting a more in depth understanding of something you know about must be one of the most common reasons to pick up a podcast. I’ve taken college classes in Computer Science but to better understand the subject, because the learning never stops, I listen to a number of tech podcasts. Specifically podcasts about Python.

Learn About a Subject You Don’t Know

Since I started listening to Podcasts, I’ve had a number of changes in my life which caused me to want to learn about something new. I went back to school. I’ve started two new jobs with products I didn’t know much about, DevOps and Digital Marketing using Artificial Intelligence. I’ve used Podcasts to help me get up to speed with these new topics.

Be Entertained

The Real Housewives have stopped being my go to guilty pleasure and the entertainment podcasts have replaced them. I love listening to Dax Sheppard, Ana Farris, and Chris Hardwick talk to all the celebrities. And when COVID started, the status of celebrities going on podcasts got even higher. Entertainment is a huge top 8 reasons to listen to and enjoy podcasts.

Listen to Armchair Expert and Fake Doctors, Real Friends

Learn About a New Art

Through podcasts I have learned about a new type of content and a new art. Due to the nature of podcasting, I have found myself learning about the art. How important a sound engineer is. The effort that is put into putting together great content. And I’ve listened to a number of podcasts that don’t have it together and it shows. I usually end up unsubscribing to the ones that don’t have it together.

Understand a New Language

I’ve mentioned a number of times on this blog that I’m learning Mandarin Chinese. One of the tools I use to learn Chinese is podcasts. There are some great podcasts to learn not just Chinese but all languages. Many of them are short and sweet. So I sprinkle them in throughout my longer formatted podcasts.

Listen to Chineasy

Get Tips for the Work Environment

One of my favorite types of podcasts are business related and there are tons of them. Some of the good ones don’t just give entrepreneur advice but advice on business in general and specific topics. They talk about how to work with coworkers, how to become a high performer, how to overcome imposter syndrome and much more. If none of the other top 8 reasons to listen to and enjoy podcasts, being a top performer in your career and make more money must be one of them.

Listen to The Jordan Harbinger Show

Appreciate Something New

One of the Top 8 Reasons to listen to and enjoy podcasts is to branch out and try something new. Before podcasts where a thing, I craved for spoken word. It wasn’t until I discovered that podcasting was a thing that I realized I found my thing. If you don’t try it, you might not realize how much you enjoy it.

Stay on Top of a Subject

In many industries change quickly. Being in the technology industry, I personality am affected by massive change all the time. I can survive without being up to date, but knowing what is new is the best way for me to be on top of my game. This is the same for anyone in finance, marketing, anything medical, and so many other industries. And if there is worry that your profession is too niche, I’m sure there is a podcast out there. And if there is not, maybe you should start one!

There are too Many Podcasts to Not Find Something You Like

Remember when starting a blog was the cool new thing to do? Well that has been replaced by podcasting. Apparently, I didn’t get the memo. My final of the top 8 reasons to listen to and enjoy podcasts is that there is so much out there that there is bound to be something that is enjoyable for everyone.

Some of My Other Favorite Podcasts


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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