Books Self Help

Intuitive Eating: Why Diets Don’t Work And How To Solve The Skinny Issue

Intuitive Eating: Why Diets Don't Work And How To Solve The Skinny Issue

Intuitive Eating is for the people who have been on diets their whole life. They binge eat when they know they will need to cut food out and then they starve themselves until they either cannot take it or they get to their goal weight. All this eating and starving has caused people to go into starvation mode, and in the end, gain more weight.

Premise of Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating takes ten principals to get people from stopping the fattening cycle of dieting and start eating the way your body wants you to. Once the adoption of a principal has been met, it is time to move onto the next. It all starts with getting rid of the diet mentality and realizing the feast or famine way of living does not result in life long weight loss. Then accepting that if your body tells you it is hungry, to listen.

My Takeaways

I cannot say I buy 100% into this book. Where Mindless Eating was about tips and tricks to cutting out roughly 100 calories a day which can lead to major weight loss, Intuitive Eating is about the acceptance of it all. There were some ideals in this book that I cannot see myself adopting, such as never getting on the scale ever again.

What I will take away is the acceptance piece and realizing there is more to life than being skinny. I have accepted my body decades ago when I realized being a size zero was never going to be in my future, but that does not keep me from beating myself up for not being the size four I was a few years ago. I have shifted my body acceptance from skinny to healthy. And that alone is a big step.

Another takeaway is that the beige eating may be related to the hold back of certain foods. If my body wants a food to not keep it away but to honor my cravings. While reading this book, I have made a list of the foods that I would love to start eating again. Slowly, I have been reintroducing these foods into my diet.

Final Thoughts

Intuitive Eating may be a great book for the constant dieter, but this is not for everyone. What i have found is that the tips and techniques that Mindless Eating brought forth was more conducive to where I am in my journey. I am interested in the weight loss but not the work that comes along with it. And that is where this book lacks a bit. If there is one book to read on the subject, there are others out there that may hit the nail on the head much better.

Read Intuitive Eating


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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