Books Chick Lit

In Five Years: The End Comes Quickly In The Beginning

In Five Years
In Five Years: The end comes quickly in the beginning

A few pages into In Five Years, the end is given. The rest of the book is how we get there. Dannie starts engaged to one man with a plan for the rest of her life but finds herself in a dream where her life is completely different, engaged to another man outside of the neighborhood she wanted to live in five years. It is so real, she knows it is not a dream.

The Premise of In Five Years

Dannie is type A. She has decided when she will get engaged and when she will get married. She has decided which career she wants and which law firm she will work for. And she knows which neighborhood she will live in and specifically which building. Then the end comes quickly in the beginning of the story.

On the night of her engagement she falls asleep and wakes up in a different apartment across the river with a different man. The news is on and she learns it is five years into the future. It feels too real to be a dream. But how could she be imagining this. She falls back asleep and wakes up on the night of her engagement again. The rest of the book is about what happens in that five years. Who this man is and where this apartment comes from. And the path to get there is not pretty.

Final Thoughts

In Five Years was a charming book. For me it was on par with many of the other chick lit books I read. Giving away the ending in the beginning made it very easy to see where the book was going with enough surprises to make it entertaining. As soon as the new man comes into the story, we know they end up together, it is just a matter of how.

Read In Five Years


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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