Drama: Television Series Television

Gossip Girl Reboot: The New Spoiled Teenagers Show Has Arrived

Gossip Girl Reboot
Gossip Girl: The new spoiled Teenagers Show Has Arrived

Although it was my demographic, the original Gossip Girl is never a show I got into, but for some reason the new reboot is now a show I have become obsessed with. It has been awhile since I have watched, let alone wrote about a drama television show, but the glamorous lifestyle of these teenagers is insane. The money they throw around. The party and carefree lifestyle they all live. And the drama they are involved with is even more insane (from what I know) than the original.

Premise of The Gossip Girl Reboot

There is a whole new cast of spoiled teenagers, parents, and school teachers in this Gossip Girl reboot taking place after COVID. The series surround two sisters, Julien and Zoya, who have never before met. Julien is a top Instagram influencer and the daughter of a rich and famous producer. Zoya, on the other hand, comes from humble beginnings with a scholarship at this school of the rich. There is drama when Zoya steals Julien’s boyfriend. But then they are reunited by their want of having a relationship for the first time in their lives.

The group of friends have their own story lines that goes beyond the main plot of these these two sisters. Each character has their own drama including divorcing dads, becoming a teenage throuple (three way couple) and dealing with bisexuality, a mother in the hospital and much more. There is so much drama that each episode brings something completely new to the show.

Who is Gossip Girl?

From watching the Gossip Girl reboot and Emily in Paris, I knew who the original Gossip Girl was. Do not worry. I have no spoilers here. That being said, the reboot does not keep you guessing. Episode one not only tells you who Gossip Girl is, the teachers of the private school the group attends. But also how they used the original Gossip Girl to influence the new one but with a modern twist, Instagram, rather than the old smelling blog (smells armpits).

Final Thoughts

After starting this reboot, I took a sneak peek at the original television show and started binge watching it before finishing the reboot. Now that I am done with the reboot, I will continue binge watching that one next. This was some trashy but amazingly good television and if the original is half as good as the reboot, I understand why it was such an iconic show during its time. Stay tuned for the original.

Watch The Gossip Girl Reboot Free


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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