Lists Television

Announcing Picks For Golden Globes 2022 From What I Think

My Picks for Golden Globes 2022

Award shows, including the Golden Globes, are generally for the people in the industry and bored housewives. That being said, considering all the television I have been watching, I got excited for the upcoming Golden Globes 2022. However, I guess you could also consider me a bored housewife. I made an effort to watch as many of the television series nominated that I could so that I could make a valid choice on which I am rooting for. I only chose categories where I could make a solid judgement on three or more of the nominees. And these are my picks.

Best Television Series, Drama

Squid Game: Announcing Picks

My pick for Best Television Series, Drama is Squid Game. First off, it was the most unique depiction of the rich using the poor for their pleasure. Although this has been a popular premise in the past, no one would ever dare to use child games as the premise and they pulled it off wonderfully. The sets and costumes were superb and will leave a mark on years to come. The sale of White Van shoes skyrocketed after the series was launched. And who does not like a show about games. Succession would be a close second; however, the plot never changed and I quickly got bored.

Watch Squid Game

Best Television Series, Musical or Comedy

Reservation Dogs: Announcing picks for Golden Globes 2022

My pick for Best Television Series, Musical or Comedy would be Reservation Dogs for a similar reason I picked Squid Game for the drama category, it is a unique kind of show depicted in a smart way. It sketches a culture I am unfamiliar with, growing up on an Indian Reservation in middle America. I personally would approach this topic with the seriousness this show clearly does not. It pokes fun at how the white people came in, stole land, and now force these people to live on the poverty line. The show is funny regardless of the cultural background of the watcher and that is why this is one of my top picks.

Read My Reservation Dogs Post

Watch Reservation Dogs

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Drama

Lupin: Announcing picks for Golden Globes 2022

My pick for Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Drama is Omar Sy in Lupin. I am an amature when it comes to judging any type of acting, but for me this was not a simple and easy role to play. Based on the Lupin books, the character was already sketched out with plenty of opportunity to interpret. The character is a man of disguise, which means he had to be a talented actor playing a talented actor and I think Omar Sy did a fantastic job at just that. For that reason he is my pick for Best Performance by an Actor is a Television Series in Drama.

Read My Lupin Post

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Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy

Hacks: Announcing picks for Golden Globes 2022

My pick for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy it Jean Smart in Hacks. I was having a hard time choosing between Elle Fanning in The Great and Jean Smart for this pick, in the end Smart won out due to the big personality she played and her ability to pull it off and make her likeable. The character on paper is not someone I could see myself rooting for, but she did it for me, I wanted her to succeed and become the popular comedian she once was.

Read My Hacks Post

Watch Hacks

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy

The Great: Announcing Picks for Golden Globes 2022

My pick for Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy is Nicholas Hoult in The Great. I was unfamiliar with Hoult until I saw him play this boyish snot nosed character. But I could see him being someone to watch out for. I am now a fan and if I see him in other television series, I will likely tune in to see what else he can do and who he can be.

Read My The Great Post

Watch The Great


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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