Reality Television

Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness: The World Is An Interesting Place

Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness:  The World Is An Interesting Place

There is a bit of a tale to tell before getting into Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness. This tale starts with very little to do with Jonathan Van Ness at all. It all started decades ago when Queer Eye For The Straight Guy came out. It was a unique show that not only gave straight men a complete reset of their lives by a team of queer men who helped to make the LGBTQ+ community much less scary.

Enter Jonathan Van Ness

More recently, they decided to do a reboot of Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. This reboot did not discriminate with straight guys and included a much more diverse cast than the original, cutting the title to just Queer Eye. Enter Jonathan Van Ness, who is responsible for grooming along with four others who help with style, culture, food & wine, and physical space with the goal of making someone feel more themselves than they have been able to previously.

From the first episode of the reboot, it is clear that Jonathan will be one of the favorite of the fantastic five. He is charismatic with his one liners and inspirational pet names. He explains to the person who they are working with, and therefore everyone at home, where he stands in the LGBTQ+ community. That his prefered pronoun is “they.” And that it is okay for someone to want long hair, a luscious beard, wear heals and a dress. That is 100% okay!

Premise of Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness

Jonathan Van Ness is a different and real character than most people are use to seeing, in life and on television. He got other people curious. So, why not deepe that curiosity with other things. This world is an interesting place and Jonathan wants to explore it. The first season covered a wide range of topics including bugs, the history of hair and it’s importance, getting rid of gender roles, sky scrapers, figure skating, and more. While watching, I learned more about topics I would not normally look into than I otherwise would.

Final Thoughts

Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness has only touched the tip of the iceberg with what it could do. With such an entertaining host who is enthusiastic about everything, it is difficult to get bored over some topics that are, frankly, boring. I am not a gambling women, but if I were, I would bet that there will be tons more seasons to come. And the world is an interesting place that I look forward to learning more about.

Watch Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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