Drama: Television Series Reality Television

UnREAL: The Fearless Fake Reality Show From Reality Producers

UnREAL: Fearless Fake reality show

UnREAL is a show I would not normally be into. But as I drag myself into more and more real reality television shows, I became more curious about the fearless fake reality show. When I heard about a show that is about fake producers behind a fake reality show by past real producers of the real reality show, The Bachelor, at first, I wasn’t into it, but now it just felt right. So I decided to go down that wild ride.

Premise of UnREAL: The Fearless Fake Reality Show

Season 1 of UnREAL starts somewhat tame. The main character, Rachel, is brought back into being a producer of a reality show where she went crazy on the previous season. The entire series makes it sound as though Rachel is the problem, but it comes out that this is a fearless fake reality show that is not what it seems.

Like many other fiction shows, the first season is the crux of the premise. Rachel is forced, and it comes out later that she enjoys, manipulating people into bad situations to make drama. What she does for a living is create entertainment, not create friends.

As the seasons progress, the things Rachel does get worse and worse. There is lots and lots of sex. Between cast, between crew, between both cast and crew. Drugs are provided to encourage specific behaviors that will lead to promotions. Proscribed drugs are taken away which leads to suicide. There is a repeat rapist who is encouraged to continue in the behavior. And what is done to hide these things, is not just Rachael deep, but a whole network deep. Sure it is fiction, but as this idea came from real producers of a real reality show similar to this fictional one, it will make you stop and think.

The Other Messed Up Characters

Through the seasons the other characters are introduced. Quinn, the show runner who is just as manipulative as Rachel. Jay, the other associate producer who may not be as good as Rachel but is still hungry and trying to climb the ladder. Maddison, who starts as a producer ready to please, but ends up climbing the ladder quickly, even if it means sleeping with the boss… or multiple bosses. And many other very messed up characters.

Final Thoughts

All in all, it’s good drama; however, if you look a level further, this show is dark. Really dark. It is a fearless fake reality show to highlight the reality of real reality shows.

Watch Unreal


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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