Classic: Movies Lists Movies

My Favorite Old Timey Movies of All Time

As someone who wants so badly to be a cinefile, I have watched a number of movies that are considered to be the greats. So I decided to make a list and these are the favorite old timey movies of all time. I know if I was to review my complete list of all movies I watched that were released prior to 1960, I could compile a huge list, but these are the ones that really have stuck out to me over the years.

Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane - My favorite Old Timey Movies of All Time

Big surprise, I took a film class in college. An even bigger surprise, Citizen Kane was one of the first movies we watched. I had my favorite old timey movies before Citizen Kane, but they did not have the same regard for those as I did for Citizen Kane. This was the first time I realized how much I liked film regardless of its age. I have watched Citizen Kane a number of times since then and each time, it brings me back to the things I learned about this film I would not otherwise been aware of.

Watch Citizen Kane

Singing In The Rain

Singin' in the Rain - My Favorite Old Timey Movies of all time

As a Christmas gift when I was younger, my parent’s friends gave my sister a VHS of Singing In The Rain and gave me The King and I (see below for more on that). As the older sister, my sister always got to choose what we watched and because this VHS was gifted to her, this was a one of her favorite old timey movies. However, I was not saddened by this choice as I had learned to love the story of old Hollywood moving into talking pictures and the songs. The songs! And the dancing! I was amazed by the walking up the walls and to be honest, still am.

Watch Singing In the Rain

The King and I

The King and I (1956) - My favorite old timey movies of all time

Per my blurb on Singing In The Rain, I was gifted a VHS of The King and I and in the rare occasion I was able to choose a movie, The Kind and I it was. In retrospect, I’m quite glad this movie came into my life. Unlike Singing In The Rain, I’m not sure I would have ever seen it if it was not gifted to me and at this time in my life, it opened my eyes to a world outside of California, which I rarely, if ever ventured out. It made me curious about the world and specifically Asia and may be a reason that to this day, I prefer Asia over the ever popular continent of Europe. I have sense travelled to Thailand (previously Siam) and if this blog ever takes off and allows me to live overseas, that is my number one choice.

Watch The King and I

All About Eve

All About Eve: My favorite Old timey movies of all time

All About Eve is one of the more recent favorite old timey movies I have watched. Just like Singing In The Rain, I love that old Hollywood comments on the changes and All About Eve is about the changes that are still relevant. The old gets pushed out and the new gets pushed in. Thinking of Bette Davis as a young girl trying to make it in Hollywood is almost laughable and yet, that is what All About Eve is all about.

Read My Post

Watch All About Eve

Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard is a movie I have put on about a million times thinking I’ve never seen it and then continue watching it because I remember not only watching it before but loving it. Similar to All ABout Eve, the story revolves around an old Hollywood actress, Norma Desmond, who is no longer relevant but is determined to keep her diva status. And this character and Gloria Swanson, who plays Desmond is what really steals the show. She is just full glamour and so cringeworthy at the same time. Wrap it all up in an affair with a younger man and a murder and I am sold.

Watch Sunset Boulevard


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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