The Steve Martin version of Father of The Bride was a staple in my house growing up. I cannot explain how many times I had seen that movie. I was a bit hesitant to watch this reboot, due the perfection of the movie I remember as a child. The saving grace of this Cuban reboot is that, with the exception of the high level premise, the reboot had little in common with the Steve Martin version.
Premise of Father Of The Bride
The movie starts with the love story of a Cuban immigrant’s story of getting to Miami and then who parked cars to get through architecture school, met and married the love of his life, and became a successful architect. Directly after we learn how successful his marriage that resulted in two daughters was, we learn him and his wife are planning to divorce. They have a dinner with their daughters that they plan to tell them the heart breaking news.
As they are gathering the strength to tell the family the news, their oldest daughter steals the show by telling the family that she is getting married and that, in order for her to start her life with her new husband, this wedding will need to happen quickly. The story snowballs as we meet the groom and then his wacky side of the family including his eccentric and very wealthy father.
Final Thoughts
The reboot of Father of the Bride was different enough from the movie that I grew up with that I was able to enjoy it. Steve Martin and the various movies he has been in, will always hold a place in my heart but there may be some room for Andy Garcia as well. My prediction is that this movie will come and go and if five years, people will forget about it. My suggestion is to watch it while it’s here. Wedding movies are not necessarily my thing but it is a lovely enough movie to take the time.