Entertainment Podcasts

Exploring The World Of New Movies: The Letterboxd Podcast

Letterboxd is a social network for film lovers that allows users to rate and review movies, create lists, and follow other users with similar tastes. The platform has grown in popularity over the years and has become a go-to destination for movie buffs looking to share their thoughts and opinions about the latest releases.

Exploring The World Of New Movies: The Letterboxd Podcast

The Podcast

One of the most popular features of Letterboxd is its podcast, which offers insightful discussions about movies, TV shows, and other forms of entertainment. The Letterboxd podcast is hosted by Gemma Gracewood and Devindra Hardawar, two film enthusiasts with a wealth of knowledge and expertise about the industry.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics related to movies and TV shows, including reviews of the latest releases, discussions about the state of the industry, and interviews with filmmakers and actors. Each episode typically features a guest who brings their unique perspective to the conversation, adding to the depth and variety of the discussion.

Movie Criticism

One of the most appealing aspects of the Letterboxd podcast is its approach to movie criticism. Instead of offering simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down reviews, the hosts and guests take a more nuanced and thoughtful approach to analyzing films. They discuss everything from the cinematography and editing to the performances and themes, offering a comprehensive view of each movie that goes beyond a surface-level assessment.

For example, in an episode, the hosts and guests discussed the movie “The Green Knight,” a fantasy epic directed by David Lowery. Instead of simply praising or criticizing the movie, they delved into its themes and symbolism, discussing the ways in which it explores ideas of morality, mortality, and destiny. They also analyzed the movie’s visual style and use of music, providing a detailed and insightful critique that went beyond a simple review.

The Types of Movies

Another strength of the Letterboxd podcast is its ability to offer a wide range of perspectives on movies. The hosts and guests come from diverse backgrounds and have different tastes and preferences, which allows for a more varied and interesting discussion. They often bring up movies that might not be on the radar of the average moviegoer, offering recommendations and insights that can expand viewers’ horizons.

In addition to its discussions of movies, the Letterboxd podcast also covers other topics related to the entertainment industry. They’ve had episodes devoted to discussions of streaming services, the impact of COVID-19 on the industry, and the role of film festivals in promoting new talent. These episodes provide valuable insights into the workings of the industry and the challenges facing filmmakers and other creatives.

The Podcast Hosts

Another appealing aspect of the Letterboxd podcast is the chemistry between the hosts and guests. Gemma, Slim, Mitchell, and Mia have a natural rapport that makes for an engaging and entertaining listening experience. They’re both knowledgeable about movies and TV shows, but they’re also open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives. They’re also skilled interviewers who are able to draw out interesting insights and stories from their guests.

Final Thoughts

The Letterboxd podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in movies and TV shows. Its thoughtful approach to criticism, diverse perspectives, and engaging hosts make it a standout in the crowded landscape of movie podcasts. Whether you’re a casual moviegoer or a serious cinephile, there’s something here for everyone.


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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