Comedy: Television Series Drama: Television Series Television

Everything’s Gonna Be Okay: A New Family Full Of Worry

Everything's Gonna Be Okay: A New Family Full Of Worry

Everything’s Gonna Be Okay is the show for families who need to get through tough situations. Although this family has all the money they could possibly want, they still experience a ton of grief and as siblings, they need to support each other through the things life throws at them. Is it true to reality? Probably not. But it is heart warming enough to click “Next Episode.”

Premise of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay

In the first episode we meet the main characters, three siblings, Nicholas, Matilda, and Genevieve, the oldest siblings boyfriend, Alex, and one character who is important to the storyline, the dad. Nicholas is the gay entomologist half brother visiting from Australia where he lives with his mother. He is six years older than Matilda, who is seventeen and on the autism spectrum with a gift of playing music. Genevieve is the youngest at two years younger than Matilda but has had the burden of taking care of her sister her whole life.

In the first episode we also meet the father of the three siblings and tells them he has cancer. We also learn that the two younger siblings lost their mother when they were young and therefore are left with no living parents. Nicolas then makes the decision to stay in The United States and take care of his younger siblings who are not much younger than him. The first episode ends with the funeral and the siblings are now on their own with help from the family trust.

The next nineteen episodes explores serious topics including death. But the topic of choice for this show is, by far, sexuality. What does homosexual relationships look like as a man in the early 20s? What does it look like for a person with Autism? Or a young women with autism? What about a young girl who is navigating her sexuality for the first time? And finally, how does this all tie into being a family that is glued together through death?

What Is True To Reality?

To be honest, very little of this show could be mirrored onto reality. When are young children given tons of money to deal with and talk with their siblings about their sexuality because all their parents are dead or live half way around the world? I guess Everything’s Gonna Be Okay is not much different than most reality television shows. But what I think is interesting is the exploration of the topics at hand. This show deals with some complex topics and does not paint a smile on them. There is some true exploration each of the characters must go through and none with a final conclusion. Each character is growing.

Final Thoughts

Everything’s Gonna Be Okay is not the show of the decade by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a heart warming story about a family dealing with some difficult topics. There are plenty of other shows that fit the bill in the same way this one does, but I also think this show is worth the time. If you like bugs, if you are someone who is close to autism, if you want a show that shows homosexuality as a normal thing, then Everything’s Gonna Be Okay may be worth the watch.

Watch Everything’s Gonna Be Okay


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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