Books Chick Lit

My Top 10 Easy To Breeze Through Reads

I may read a lot but I’m not a good reader. There is nothing that makes me feel better than a book that I can read easily without needing to push through. When I discover an easy to breeze through reads it changed my mind that reading cannot be easy or fun. I’ve come to the realization that it just takes practice with easy to read books to believe that reading can be fun.

When people say they don’t like to read, my thoughts is that there is two reasons. 1. They don’t read about anything they are interested in and 2. The book is tough to get through. I know it took me a long time to understand I like reading for both these reasons. Because everyone is different, I can’t address the first, but below are some of the books that address the second reason why people don’t read. These are my top easy to breeze through reads.

The Trials of Moriggan Crow by Jessica Townsend

Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow” by Jessica Townsend: Easy to Breeze through reads

I loved loved loved this book. The imagination used to write this book is amazing. I love the wacky characters. And I love how I sped read through the pages and could not put it down. It’s okay though, because there are more books in the series! I’ve finished the first and the next book on my list is the second book in the series. Stay tuned for my blog post.

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One of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus

One of Us Is Lying: an Easy to breeze through book

I love thrillers. It’s one of my favorite genres; however, in some cases the stories get so tangled up they stop being page turners and turn into mud turners. But not with this book. Both the first book and this book were easy to breeze through reads of the thriller persuasion. The story was light and the characters were easy to remember. That is why this is one of my easy to breeze through reads.

Read My Post on The Sequel/ Read on Amazon

The Silent Patient

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides: Easy breezy reads

What made the Silent Patient so easy is how straight forward the story was. There were only a few characters and a few settings. And although the story was not linear, it was very clear in where I was in the timeline. When the story branched into another storyline it was clear that it was tied to the main story line.

All in all this book was easy not because of language but because of the clean cut straight forward descriptions and outline of the book. It was a complex plot but not a complex book.

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American Royals

American Royals: An Easy Breezy read

I wanted this to be a complex book but it was not. I was not happy with how the subject was treated but once I accepted that American Royals was a pure love story with a twist I accepted it and it became the easy to breeze through reads that I wanted it to be. To its core it’s a simple love story and one of my many easy to breeze through reads.

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The Last Miss Parish

The Last Mrs. Parrish: Easy breezy reads

There may be one huge twist midway through this book but all the little twists kept me turning pages. Before the twist I could not stop turning pages to see how it would end. And after the twist I could not stop turning pages to see how the twist would affect the main characters. The Last Miss Parish was definitely a page turner in the best way possible.

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The Wives

The Wives: An easy breezy read

The storyteller in The Wives is in a polygamous relationship. She doesn’t know the other women in the relationship or anything about them. She doesn’t even live in the same town. Until one day, she finds the first hint of who one of them are. That’s when the rabbit hole starts, and it’s a deep rabbit hole at that. It keeps going and going and going…

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The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give: Easy to breeze through reads

Not only was the The Hate U Give was an easy to breeze through reads, it also carries an important message. As a white female, I don’t understand the struggles that black youth deal with. And I don’t claim I understand it still, that being said, it gave me a perspective I had never had before. Because The Hate U Give is such an easy read, it allows a larger group of others, specifically those who don’t read a lot, to be exposed like I had to this perspective.

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Perfect Days

Perfect Days by Raphael Montes: Easy to breeze through read

Perfect Days went by so fast. I’m not sure if it was the page turnability or the easy to follow storyline. I had recommended this book to a friend who was surprised how easy of a read it was. It’s not just me! What makes this book so page worthy is the WTF level of this book. It’s very out there and little like you’ve ever read before.

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I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell

I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell: Max, Tucker: Easy to breeze through read

If a book was a frat boy, it would be I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. This is a memoir of a man (if you can all him that) who had some crazy times through his young life. It goes through a bunch of his sexcapades. A lot of his drunken nights. And as most can expect, the reading level follows not far behind what would be expected from these topics. It’s hard to write at a high level when writing about beer bonging.

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As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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