
Dear Edward: What Happens When A Boy Is The Sole Survivor

Dear Edward: What Happens When a boy is the sole survivor

It is my favorite time of year. No, not Thanksgiving, not Christmas. It’s the Goodreads best books of 2020 awards. My goal this year was to read as much of the books as I possibly can and that is how Dear Edward got on my radar.

Premise of Dear Edward

Edward is the sole survivor of a plane crash. The end. There really is not much more to this book than that. Yes, they comment on his life before and after. Yes, we learn more about the people who died in the crash. And yes, near the end of the story we learn that people send Edward letters with wishes. But honestly there is not much more to this book than that.

My General Feeling

My general feeling of Dear Edward is that it didn’t make me mad. It didn’t make me sad. It didn’t make me happy. This book gave me no emotions. This book was a solid three out of five. Why it is on the Goodreads best book of the year, I don’t know. Other books that I have fully enjoyed that are nominated include The Glass Hotel, My Dark Vanessa (write up coming soon), Such a Fun Age, and even Majesty from the American Royals series makes more sense than Dear Edward.

Final Thoughts

Did I hate it? Not for a minute. But unless 100 books in a year is your normal, choose to take the time to read something better. Something that sparks emotion. Something that is not Dear Edward.

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As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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