Television Thriller: Television Series

Dead to Me: A Colorful and Funny Thriller With Twists And Turns

Dead to Me

The. Twists. And. The. Turns. And the humor! Does Dead to Me go into my top thriller series of all time? Not at all! But is Dead to Me worth the time? Yes, more so than many other similar shows.

The Premise of Dead To Me

Episode one, you meet Jen and Judy, who meet in a grief support group. Jen’s husband was killed in a hit and run accident a few months prior and Judy’s fiance had a heart attack. They bond over their lack of ability to sleep and become fast friends, spending late nights chatting or drinking wine. But as their friendship grows there are plenty of secretes they are keeping from each other… and the cops. And the secretes keep building.

Each episode reveals something new to the story. Usually it’s a secret that makes the previous secret look like a walk in the park. By the end, there is so many secrets and so much build up, there is no telling how the explosion will end. That being said, last episode of season 1, that explosion happens, only to cause a domino effect of all new secrets, setting up for a whirlwind during season 2.

The Cast

Of course with Christina Applegate and Linda Cardinelli with Will Ferrell as a producer, the humor has got to be great. Although it’s more thriller than comedy there is plenty to laugh at. From the pasture’s reason for leading a grief group to a girl who finds a dead body and keeping souvenirs from the memory, the humor is dark but hilarious.

Final Thoughts

There are so many times that they have the opportunity to do the stereotypical thing. The kind of thing that would be expected. And then they decided not to go that way and it goes somewhere completely different when you don’t expect it.

Watch on Netflix


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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