Podcasts Entertainment

Crime Junky: The Be Weird. Be Rude. Stay Alive. Podcast

Crime Junkie | RADIO.COM

If you are not aware, true crime is totally hot right now. There are shows and books and podcasts all coming out of the woodwork and so are true crime fans. I have to admit, I’m definitely a new fan. But I get it, it’s addicting. My interest lead to me to read and later write about Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe and there will be plenty more to come.

How I Got Into Crime Junky

I was turned onto Crime Junky by someone in my book club who is also a true crime fan. (As a side note, we made our book club read “I’ll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer“, everyone except the two of us had nightmares for days or refused to finish the book). So when a new podcast (one of my favorite things) about true crime (another one of my favorite things) from someone whose opinion I trust came up, I was in.

The general format is that there are two female hosts, Ashley and Brit. Ashley is the primary and Brit just makes comments. Ashley always picks crimes with crazy twists and turns and her storytelling reflects this. Brit is constantly commenting on how crazy or weird or brings up assumptions most people would make.

Watching The Live Show

I dragged my boyfriend to go see them live. And as Ashley and Brit are dragging us through the twists and turns my boyfriend ruins the story by telling me the punchline. Annoyed face emoji. Part of what I like about them is the story, not the punchline. It is about the journey, not the destination. We ended leaving early because he clearly wanted to leave, and he ruined the ending for us both.

I guess what I didn’t know, but later find out, my boyfriend is a Crime Junkie himself. The story was on CNN, which he watches religiously. So, he was not entertained by their little dog and pony show. Next time, he is not invited! To this or any of my live podcasts. I want to enjoy the journey. With or without him. But with him always in life.

Listen to Crime Junky


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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