Business: Podcasts Podcasts

The Jordan Harbinger Show: A Man Out To Create Better People

The Jordan Harbinger Show:  A Man Out to Create Better People

Jordan Harbinger started his career as a lawyer but when that wasn’t his calling he started teaching guys to pick up chicks and now he is doing this, The Jordan Harbinger Show. He is working to create better people. How does he do that? With interviews of the top performing people in the world and answering the hard hitting questions about both career and life. This podcast is not unique but what does bring is the quality that is hard to find. If self improvement is your thing, The Jordan Harbinger Show is a great place to listen as they are working to create better people and a better world.

The Interviews

The people that Jordan interviews on his podcast is vast. They range from fake psychics to US Generals to Mike Rowe to Chelsea Handler to everyone in between. The topics are not always things I’m interested in so I typically pick and choose the ones I listen to which helps keep my podcast queue under control. But since the topics range so much, I often find myself listening to the interviews more than not. Many of the guests are more entertaining rather than practical, but Jordan always has the agenda to create better people in the back of his mind and there are always tiny lessons to be learned.

Feedback Fridays

I do not miss a Feedback Friday episode, which comes out, surprisingly, every Friday. This is where the listeners can send in their questions about anything, and many times, they are crazy off the wall questions, and Jordan and his sidekick, Gabe, give their advice.

On these episodes, the topics are almost more spread out than the interviews with guests. The topics range from dealing with cheating boyfriends to parents calling the FBI on their children to dealing with deadbeat relatives to job advice. Similar to the interviews, many of the questions are more entertaining rather than practical but there is always a good take away at the end of an episode.

The 6 Minute Networking Course

One of the bigger things that The Jordan Harbinger Show does is teach networking with a course titled “6 Minute Networking”. The idea is that you need to “dig the well before you’re thirsty” and start networking now with just spending six minutes a day. Then when you actually need to reach out to someone you have already established a working network with them and it is not too awkward to ask for a favor. The course also establishes how to ask for favors without having it be too weird.

In true honesty, I’ve started the course but did not get very far. One of the reasons being that the first task is designed for you to reach out to people in your network that you have not spoken to in a long time. When I went to do this task, I would have been reaching out to people I spoke to less than a week ago. At that point, I gave up with the expectation that I already have a pretty large network. Not a great excuse, I know.

Final Thoughts

With the Jordan Harbinger Show being a source for such a wide breadth of knowledge, both useful as well as entertaining, I don’t see me hitting the unsubscribe button any time soon. I recommend this show for anyone who is looking to improve either professionally or personally, as the main theme here is to create better people. I listen to keep improving myself and get ideas on what I can do to improve.

Learn More About The Jordan Harbinger Show


As a curious person, Madeline is constantly consuming new content. This blog is her way of putting her thoughts about this content on paper.

She also loves interesting and delicious food and snuggling with her chihuahua.

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