I remember going to the video rental store (back when that was a thing) as a kid and wanting so bad to rent Cool World, but my parents told me I was too young. Too young? It is a cartoon! How could I be too young? Then it dropped off my radar and I completely forgot about it until it showed up on, “How Did This Get Made?“, one of the movie podcasts I subscribe to. All my desires to see this as a youngin’ came rushing back, and now that I’ve seen it, yes, I was way too young. And I’m probably still too young.
The Purpose Of Making Cool World
What is the purpose of this movie anyways? Someone must have had the following thought process, “you know what would be a great movie? We take a hot guy and a sexy, horny, cartoon women and make a movie about how they can’t have sex. And why can’t they have sex? Will it throw the balance of the universe off. Storyline? Nah, who needs a storyline? Advanced and great animation? Nope! How is he going to get to the cartoon world? His mom will die. Yes, that makes sense.”
Cool World In Today’s World
Cartoons or not, Cool World could not be made today. The female characters are highly sexualized and do not care about anything except having sex with a real man. The female cartoons are big butt, big boobed, and little waist. The main Cartoon women, Holly Wood (see what they did there), is constantly dancing provocatively. And her clothing MAYBE hides what shouldn’t be showing. When she comes into the real world, suddenly she is shy and wearing a jacket? Suddenly this is a modest film.
Final Thoughts
The one thing I have to say is that this movie is different from any other I have seen. I am not saying it’s good different. All I’m saying is that it is different. But if all different movies are like this, I will be happy watching the same not different reruns again and again.