A quick Google search will explain that Chuck Palahniuk is still around and kicking. However, due to the decrease of popularity in his books, I truly thought he may be deceased. So, what happened to Chuck Palahniuk?
He was first made popular Fight Club, particularly the movie that was made out of his book. Fight Club was followed by Choke. His growing following read a few more of his books and even though he still publishes books now an again, the hype is near nonexistent and his Goodreads ratings are fair at best. In fact, even the ratings for the books at his peak are rated fair at best.
These are the two books I’ve read of Chuck Palahniuk that I actually enjoyed. I realized what happened to Chuck Palahniuk is that his writing started to suck.
Fight Club

Who could forget Fight Club? “First rule of fight club: don’t talk about fight club. The second rule of fight club: DON’T talk about fight club.” Okay, so we won’t talk about it. Instead I’ll talk about the author.
At the time it was Palaniuk’s most popular and greatest writing accomplishments and I don’t think I’m alone in this. It started his short lived career and made him one of the most popular writers in the early 2000’s.
The book about a man in the rat race starting a club to get aggression out by fighting. The fighting turns into a fight club and eventually turns into a cult, becomes a major hit. The popularity of his book is followed by a movie starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton.

Another great book by Palaniuk. To this day I use the line “______ is not the right word, but it’s the first word that comes to mind.” Keep in mind, I read this book almost two decades ago.
Perhaps I was in love with this book because I was in love with Fight Club. Perhaps I was in love with this book because I was in love with the guy who told me about it (a little off topic, but in retrospect, no clue why I was in love with him). Regardless, despite the Goodread’s rating, I hold this book high in my mind.
With the popularity of Chuck Palahnuik, Fight Club, and his newer book Choke. Choke was made into a movie. And the movie was not very good. At least not in a good way that Fight Club was a movie. And this is when the decline starts and the start of what happened to Chuck Palahniuk.
The Rest of Palaniuk’s Books I’ve Read
When I started this post, I had every intention of writing about each of the books of Palahniuk’s that I’ve read. I even expected to read a few books I haven’t yet. He was the first author that I had to read his entire library (at the time). But when I started listing them, I couldn’t remember a damn thing about them. Perhaps it’s because I read them two decades ago. Perhaps it’s because they are all equality strange that they all kinda meld together. Maybe it’s because none of them were so good that they stuck in my mind. So, what happened to Chuck Palahniuk? I don’t think I really care and I’ll continue to read Kristin Hannah books.
So, instead of racking my brain, reading a ton of other blogs, and coming up with not very believable or readable BS, I decided to leave it at the two books I enjoyed and a short list of, what I thought was a ton of books as a kid, Chuck Palahnuik’s books that I have read.
According to Goodreads, that leaves only one of his books out, Snuff. And I think I’ll skip it. Thanks.