“And to this day, Tony is still my best friend,” Pamela looked down the table at her ex-husband and gleamed. It made Justine wince, but she forced a wide smile regardless and said through gritted …
Ted’s Sinister Craving
“I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. I must not.” Ted paced the room. He turned on the television and sat on the edge of the bed made neatly by a maid hours prior. He tried …
Love Outweighs Genes
Marcie pats Tom on the back. “There there,” she says. His coughing fits had become worse. They had moved Tom out of the hospital and back home once they realized there was not much more …
Michael’s Birthday
Michael woke up and stretched his arms above his head. “Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday dear me. Happy birthday to me.” He sang to himself with a smile. “Today will …
Acceptance and High School Drama
The door slammed and Valorie saw a streak of Sarah’s brown hair wiz through the foyer and up the stairs. Two seconds later Valorie heard a door slam. Sarah must have had a bad day …
When Cats Save Lives
“Oliver, what are you doing here?” Genevieve said to the Siamese cat she nearly tripped over. Genevieve recognized the cat as belonging to her elderly upstairs neighbor, Mrs. Singh. She had never seen the cat …
The Mole and the Martini
“Whatcha drinking there?” A man said from across the bar as the bartender slid a martini glass in front of Jennie. Jennie didn’t want to be at the bar, but she felt obligated. Her best …
Thank You For That
Ceiclia tapped the toe of her crossed leg against the leg of the wooden table. She stopped tapping long enough to take a sip of tea with both hands and then continued to tap. The …
The Hidden Recipe for Eternal Life
“I know it is here somewhere,” the librarian called out from the top of the wooden ladder. “No one has requested this book for as long as I have worked here. But it’s in our …
Would You Like Some Champagne and Caviar?
Animals fill the room, eyes of glass and lack of bodies beyond the fur, otherwise, the four men in their short leather chairs could not sit so calmly without their rifles. The smell of smoke …