Letterboxd is a social network for film lovers that allows users to rate and review movies, create lists, and follow other users with similar tastes. The platform has grown in popularity over the years and …

Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Reading, Watching, Listening, and then Commenting
Letterboxd is a social network for film lovers that allows users to rate and review movies, create lists, and follow other users with similar tastes. The platform has grown in popularity over the years and …
Finding Quick And Dirty History is a much different story than finding any other podcast I listen to, as I met the host before ever adding the podcast to my list of regularly listened to …
I have become addicted to a wide range of rewatch podcast which led me to find the Sex and the City rewatch podcast. As an avid Sex and the City fan, the original Chick Flick …
The podcast “Welcome To The OC, Bitches!” brought me back to my freshman year of college. Back then, The OC was a new show. And this type of teen show was not my jam at …
Movie Crush is my go to movie podcast to enhance my movie knowledge. One of the reasons I enjoy the podcast is that I have taken my limited movie knowledge and have enhanced it tenfold …
Many of the random movies I have on this blog are either a product of availability or of Movie Crush. I use this podcast to force me to watch movie I would not otherwise watch. …
If you are not aware, true crime is totally hot right now. There are shows and books and podcasts all coming out of the woodwork and so are true crime fans. I have to admit, …